How to Install Angular on Windows: A Guide to Angular CLI, , and Build Tools - Install Angular 11 on Windows 10

How to Install Angular on Windows: A Guide to Angular CLI, , and Build Tools - Install Angular 11 on Windows 10

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A Guide to Install & Set-up Angular on Windows in easy steps - How to Install Angular on Windows

  Angular is an open-source, front-end web application development framework, it is TypeScript-based and led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations.    


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Now considering that the most widely used windows version is now Windows 10 we will give you the steps accordingly. Once you have completed the installation steps you will be able to create a perfect environment to develop web applications and pages with varied experiences.

Once you have installed Node. You can either click on the auto install tab which will automatically install all the necessary tools that are needed for native modules, or you can click on the link that will be given to follow the instructions to install each dependency yourself. Once you have made your choice click on the Next tab. You will see the version id on the output window. One of the major advantages of Angular is the use of TypeScript which makes it very easy to understand JavaScript and maintain it.

TypeScript can be installed as an NPM package. While this is not really a mandatory requirement for Angular it does simplify the framework.

The CLI allows you to manage your Angular interface and helps you to initialize and develop applications. While you are installing Angular CLI you will be asked if you would be willing to share your usage date with the Angular team.

You can opt to share with a Yes or decline with a No. Either way the functionality of the application will not be impacted. Before you are sure and start using the framework to create your professional applications it is always a great idea to try and test out the framework with a pseudo project.

You can customize the application by answering specific questions with the answers as per your choice. Select whether you would like to use Angular routing and which stylesheet format you wish to use. It will take a few minutes to create the project by the system. The system will generate the chosen environment to develop the Angular application. You need to keep the Windows Command Prompt running and you can continue to use the terminal and whatever changes you will be making, it will be visible in the application within the browser you are using.

Your Angular Framework is now ready for use to develop outstanding applications with an exclusively responsive interface. This guide assumes that you are using Windows Before you begin, you should have a user account with installation privileges and should have unrestricted access to all mentioned web sites in this document.

To install angular cli we need nodejs and npm. You need nodejs for dev tooling like local web server with live reloading features and dev experience, you do not need nodejs to run react in production. Npm stands for node package manager, it is a dependency management tool for javascript applications. This tool will help to install the libraries and other tools to support angular development. Visit nodejs download page here. Click on the downloaded node-vxx.

Please click Next. By clicking next in previous step you will be asked to accept license, please accept by clicking checkbox and click Next. Click Install, this may need elevated permissions provided necessary rights requested. Setting up productive angular development environment would need to configure tools like typescript, webpack and other angular dependencies which are complex to configure for a newbie in angular world.

There are several tools that help to alleviate this problem out of which angular cli is the easiest and finest tool with production grade configurations pre-built. Angular cli comes with wide range of commands that help manage the angular development, testing and build process. This command creates a new folder named hello-angular and creates all the files and setups the necessary libraries within this folder and makes the angular project ready to be executed without any additional configuration.


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